Alcovisor Jupiter Evidential Breath Analyzer Training

7 modules


Course length
2 hours

Jeremy Endres


This online course provides you with the necessary training to become a certified Breath Alcohol Technician (BAT) in accordance with DOT regulation 49 CFR Part 40. At the successful completion of all course content, the operator will receive BAT certification.


This course includes the following:

  1. DOT (49 CFR Part 40) Alcohol Overview Video Lesson
  2. Online Exam for BAT certification
  3. Alcovisor "Jupiter" Proficiency Video Lesson: Instrument training will describe the operation, maintenance, accuracy check, and calibration adjustment of the Alcovisor "Jupiter" device.
  4. Online Exam for Instrument Proficiency
  5. Online Webinar (with live trainer) for 'mock' proficiency demonstration (approx 1.5 hrs):
  • Displaying proficiency in a successful Breath Alcohol Collection process
  • Displaying proficiency in addressing and documenting "refusal" issues during a collection procedure
  • Proper documentation and management of the Breath Alcohol Custody & Control Form
  • Displaying the proper method of performing the required 'Calibrations' on the device
  • Displaying proficiency in the functionality of the Evidential Breath Testing device (or E.B.T.)
  • Perform seven (7) error-free consecutive mock alcohol tests via online conference with your webinar training instructor


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Jupiter Video Training Certificate

Alcovisor Jupiter Supporting Training Documents
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Alcovisor Jupiter Video Training Lesson 1
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Alcovisor Jupiter Video Training Lesson 2
{{ vm.helper.t('reports.module') }}
Alcovisor Jupiter Video Training Lesson 3
{{ vm.helper.t('reports.module') }}
Alcovisor Jupiter Video Training Lesson 4
{{ vm.helper.t('reports.module') }}
Alcovisor Jupiter Video Training Lesson 5
{{ vm.helper.t('reports.module') }}
Alcovisor Jupiter Exam
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
Added about 1 month ago, by Erique'
Added about 1 month ago, by Timi
Added 2 months ago, by Reid
Added 3 months ago, by ANEL
Added 4 months ago, by Anonymous
Added 4 months ago, by Anamarys
Added 4 months ago, by jeison
Added 4 months ago, by Rodriquez
Added 4 months ago, by Ebonie
Added 5 months ago, by Richard

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